I decided to call this newsletter “Typical Man” because the phrase is such an oxymoron… and I feel it’s worth looking into what both men and women believe a “Typical Man” looks like.
Even though each man’s personal life experience has shaped him into the individual he is today, it’s almost comical how so many of us are genetically wired in a way that makes us so similar, and our actions ‘Typical’.
Rich or poor, gay or straight, white, brown, or black… So many of us
men share more than a Y chromosome. We have a powerful masculine energy that can either unite or divide, or make or break us. I feel that the world today is trying to divide and break us… But I’m here to unite and make us.
In my weekly (mental) download that’ll be landing right here in your mailbox, I’ll be sharing both the individual parts to my life, the bullshit that comes with it, and the tools I use to overcome life’s turbulence… but also how we can collectively think, feel, and perform better as men in this modern day society.
It’s so good to have you here, and even although I’ve had contact with every single one of you, please feel free unsubscribe if that this isn’t for you.
Let’s Connect